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Text Mining Tool

PDF, DOC, RTF, CHM, HTML files, text mining is a free program.


"PDF, DOC, RTF, CHM, HTML files, text mining is a free program."
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Text Mining Tool to remove the text from the files of the next type is a free program:
PDF, DOC, without RTF, CHM, HTML, etc.

The beauty of this program is extremely simple, almost all common forms of documents to work on Word, other programs such as Arcrobat be installed. That is, Windows Help, CHM, and portable documents in PDF files using the ending HTML web pages, both DOC and others, such as Microsoft Word and RTF document formats include Open Office.

Its comfortable and easy to use is defined by the following basic features:

* No payment or license restrictions. Vehicle is completely free.
* Works PDF, DOC, RTF, CHM, HTML converter as text files.
* User-friendly interface available shortcuts.
Text * Console tool for automation minetext conversion is included.
*. NET 2.0 Framework-based.
* No installation is required. Only the program is to open and use.
Now you can free download Text Mining Tool 1.1.42.

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